Take A Professional to School Day: November’s Awesome Grant Winners

Holding their winning check at the Central City Fest

NOLA Black Professionals holding their winning check at the Central City Fest

This month’s Awesome New Orleans grant winners are NOLA Black Professionals for their project:

Take a Professional To School Day

Check out her idea:

After launching Nolablackprofessionals.com, I got the crazy idea to remix Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. So I gather professionals of all races together and we take over a school. It’s not like your normal boring Career Day. We dress like ourselves, we talk to the kids in a relatable manner, we invite a local DJ to provide music during our lunch session and then we allow the kids to ask us questions at the end of the day. I wanted to create something dope that the students would like and appreciate.

NOLA Black Professionals Talk about Take a Professional to School Day

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